Exhibition Archive

"Lithuanian Painting Masters"

20th Anniversary of Juškus Gallery

The opening of the first private art gallery Vilnius ir dailė (Vilnius and Fine Arts) in Vilnius downtown in October 20 years ago was met rather controversially by artists. It meant a novelty in the art life of Lithuania. Some viewed it with hope expecting its assistance in finding buyers in hard times, others considered it a rival since Lithuanian Artists' Association (LAA) also founded a gallery called Arka, which proceeded with the art sales function previously vested in the Art Fund, while the third did not understand why it was needed in the first place since the artists can sell their own art directly from their workshops with no agents mediating. Artists were used to this model in Soviet times. Their promotion in Lithuanian and abroad was conducted by the LAA back then. The Association used to organise exhibitions, buy works of art, commission them and publish a journal called Dailė (Art). Artists and exhibitions used to receive coverage in papers and magazines. However, it soon became a private entity and stopped introducing exhibitions to the public, while its selection of artists was based on anything but professional assessment criteria. Publishing of Dailė journal was discontinued. The LAA turned penniless. Previously held solid material base (Dailė plants) was privatised and lost, while, pursuant to the new legislation, the Association became a public organisation and was ousted from picturesque chamber to a desolate building of former household store where it had no opportunity to settle for a long time (10 years). The LAA was not capable of supporting artistic projects of the artists. Culture was left on its own until 1997. Fine arts world has revived a bit only on the wake of the era of state support to culture: the establishment of both Media Support Foundation in 1996, and Culture and Sports Support Foundation in 1998.


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Art Works
Adomas Galdikas Pavasario motyvas 1960m. Pop.pastele 22x30

Jonas Buracas Prie Versvos 1949m. 45x60

Vytautas Kasiulis Sunys ir laivas 1957m. Pop. pastele 50x65

Vladas Karatajus Teka upelis 2005m. 80x65

Antanas Gudaitis Katinas 1985m. 60x45 Pop.misri technika.JPG

Igoris Piekuras Vaivorykste 1990m. 114x100

Kostas Dereskevicius Gamtos motyvas 1985m. 35x50

Leonas Katinas Natiurmortas 1965m. 50x70

Ricardas Vaitiekunas medis 1986m. 130x105

Vincas Kisarauskas Urbanistine kompozicija 1967m. 120x90

Vladas Karatajus Kylanti saule 2003m. 70x80

Svirnelis 1986m. 45x50 Drb.

Valentinas Antanavicius Vakaras Berore 1970m. 121x116

Jonas vaas Industrinis peizaas 1974m. 40x40 Pop.pastele.JPG

Augustinas Savickas Gamtos peizaas 1970m . 50x70 Pop.akvarele.JPG

Dvi moterys 1966. al.drob. 61x81

Pliaze 1969. al.drob. 150x120

Vytautas erys J. vao portretas

Adolfas Valeka Prieplauka

Jonas Vaitys Brazilka

Marijus Piekoras Trys angelai

Romualdas Kunca Natiurmortas

Silvestras Diauktas Kiauls svilinimas
Stasys Uinskas Scenografijos projektas

Stasys Uinskas Vasaros nakties sapnas. Eskizas

Vincentas Geas Gls

Saulut Kisarauskien Kompozicija 1973m. 64x46

Leonardas Gutauskas Liaudies motyvais 1966m. 125x70